Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Fatwa's during June

Aslamualakaum Does surah 19:19 show that isa is perfect and cannot commit any sin as it says faultless. He said, "I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you [news of] a faultless son." If so, then how do we relate this to the hadith that says that all sons of Adam commit sins.

Assalam u Alaikum
The case of Isa , may peace be upon him, had a special  case. Like his miraculous birth,his life is different from other, his  faultless character is supported by this Hadith. Abu Huraira  narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said: No child is born except that it was pricked by the Satan, so the child is born with a cry because of this prick of Satan except the son of Maryam and his mother." Then Abu Huraira said: Read if you like ( the verse) " and I give her and her progeny in your shelter from the cursed Satan" ( sura Al Imran:26)


i heard someone say that words in islam are split into technical and linguistically.
He said technically means that all the diffrent ulema from diffrent fields agreed to one meaning.
But then he later contradiuctns himself by saying that the word "sunnah" has diffrent meanings technically deepening if you are a muhadith or a faqeeh.
My question is, please can you define what the words technically menas?
What is a good definition. 

Some words in Quran and Hadith have assumed the form of a technical  word. For Example Hajj, linguistically, means to aim at. But technically it means to go to Makkah in a specific season to perform a specific ritual. Same is applicable to Salah, Zakat and Saum. For example Zakat, literally means to grow. Only the Hadith tells us it's real  meaning



I heard somone say that sharia is your worship, adab and bussiness transaction. He then later on said that sharia can be used interchangeable with aqeedah in some situations.

Is this true.   


Sharia does cover all aspect of our Deen including worship, belief, etc. but  in the context of law , it covers different branches of life where rulings are given I.e the legal aspects of the  actions of the people . So it covers  Muslim personal law, financial obligations and dealings and the Penal code.

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